“A satirical novel that manages to combine both mystery and sci-fi genres….Action aplenty …and fast dialogue.” — L.A. Times Book Review, Dec. 30, 1979 “Keith Abbott is a brilliant, virtuoso writer….He fascinates. He creates and maintains a climate of everyday perfection, and does it by destroying consistency. — Die Zeit, March 11, 1994 “This is…
“There was a ship going someplace. It was a Norwegian ship. Perhaps it was going back to Norway, carrying the hides of 163 cable cars, as part of the world commerce deal. Ah, trade: one country exchanging goods with another country, just like in grade school. They traded a rainy spring day in Oslo for…
From Tacoma to Longmont to Albuquerque – Persephone Abbott is visiting with family and friends.
Keith Kumasen Abbott reads an excerpt from the novel: “This Music Can Be Heard in Your Area Only”. This fantastic story from the (missing) novel is a reference to Keith’s experiences in the mid 1980’s with his friend, the poet John Veglia (aka Nestor Marzipan). Graphic novelist Mimi Pond produced two books ‘Over Easy” and…
What happened to poet/author/artist Keith Kumasen Abbott’s notebooks/journals and manuscripts? They are not at the archives of the University of Western Washington at Bellingham.
In August 2024 Mordecai of Monterey was re-released and is available in Kindle and paperback on Amazon. Mordecai of Monterey is a comic novel set in 1973, during the height of the Watergate scandale. From the landscape that inspired Cannery Row, the hero Mordecai discovers that he has been gifted with melanoia – the opposite of paranoia.…
Persephone is in the USA visiting with family and friends and will be visiting the partial archives of Keith’s material in Bellingham. Her blog is here: 2024 USA Travel.